Friday, 22 April 2016

Review on the Bakuman

Today I would introduce a movie called "Bakuman" (Japanese name: バクマン )that is a Japanese movie which was a big hit in Japan. The real meaning of the title of movie was never told. The story is simply about two high school student dreamed to become professional animators and make their mangas available on Jump magazine. 

The main actors are famous for their excellent skills of acting as well as due to the fact that the original manga was well-known in Japan.

One of the scenes that left me deep impression was when they were drawing the manga. Pictures of the manga was moving quickly as PowerPoint around them, gave us a feeling that it was an ongoing procedure in creating an interesting manga.

And when it comes to the competition between these two high school boys with another famous youth animator, it appears to be a 'fighting' between them. 

It might not be the flavor of most people but may be a good movie to all anime lovers in that it described a whole procedure of a creation of a manga. I can't tell whether the ending of the movie is happy or sad. Their manga was finally cut off from the JUMP magazine, while they did achieve great success during the competition in the fact of gaining champion in the research of the most popular manga for the week. 

I appreciate their effort and luck as well as hubris. Since they were so confident of theirselves, they were able to make a success. 

                                                                                                  ---Souzern Shao

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